The Commander in Chief Speaks

March 22, 2003

Good morning.

American and coalition forces have begun a concerted campaign against the regime of Saddam Hussein. In this war, our coalition is broad, more than 40 countries from across the globe. Our cause is just, the security of the nations we serve and the peace of the world. And our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people.

The future of peace and the hopes of the Iraqi people now depend on our fighting forces in the Middle East. They are conducting themselves in the highest traditions of the American military. They are doing their job with skill and bravery, and with the finest of allies beside them. At every stage of this conflict the world will see both the power of our military, and the honorable and decent spirit of the men and women who serve.

In this conflict, American and coalition forces face enemies who have no regard for the conventions of war or rules of morality. Iraqi officials have placed troops and equipment in civilian areas, attempting to use innocent men, women and children as shields for the dictator's army. I want Americans and all the world to know that coalition forces will make every effort to spare innocent civilians from harm.

A campaign on harsh terrain in a vast country could be longer and more difficult than some have predicted. And helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable, and free country will require our sustained commitment. Yet, whatever is required of us, we will carry out all the duties we have accepted.

Across America this weekend, the families of our military are praying that our men and women will return safely and soon. Millions of Americans are praying with them for the safety of their loved ones and for the protection of all the innocent. Our entire nation appreciates the sacrifices made by military families, and many citizens who live near military families are showing their support in practical ways, such as by helping with child care, or home repairs. All families with loved ones serving in this war can know this: Our forces will be coming home as soon as their work is done.

Our nation entered this conflict reluctantly, yet with a clear and firm purpose. The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder. Now that conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force. This will not be a campaign of half-measures. It is a fight for the security of our nation and the peace of the world, and we will accept no outcome but victory.

Thank you for listening.

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Damn it, now I'm hungry for barbecue - no fair, you KNOW I live in Kansas City!

Besides, wasn't Golding Greek?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
General: the rules for the Electoral college have been well-known for a few centuries - sorry.
To bad you're a 'general discharged' shame and disgrace...

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
good for him ! maybe he can pick up a gun and help the marines out once they get to Baghdad


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger
Bush's Approval Surging

The Associated Press

Polls Suggest President Bush's Approval Has Surged After Start of Iraq War

Public approval of President Bush has surged after the start of the war with Iraq...

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> To bad you're a 'general discharged' shame and disgrace...


Please attack the post, not the poster.

The General, who am I attacking?

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
>Polls Suggest President Bush's Approval Has Surged After Start of Iraq War

Which is why he started this war.

So where are all these WMDs that we supposedly went to war over? It's looking more and more like an excuse for a Zionist Oil Mafia land grab.
>So where are all these WMDs

The CIA are planting them as we write... LOL

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>So where are all these WMDs that we supposedly went to war over? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Those are yet to be imported from the good ole USA


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You know, for those wondering why we haven't found the WMDS yet (or at least we haven't been told yet), we just invaded a few days ago, in a country the size of California, where Saddam has had how many years to hide them? The inspectors couldn't find them in the past 12 YEARS (less when they were booted out), and we haven't been there 12 DAYS and you're buzzing with impatience.


I tought Powell said before the UN security councill that they had solid evidence of WMD and where they were just a couple of weeks ago ?

What's the delay if they already know where they are

Or do you think there's this little posibility that he was spewing shit to the UN security council in order to get "BusHitler" to start dropping bombs


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger

New member
Sep 21, 2004
hungover: like I said, wait. We can argue endlessly, but you and I can't prove anything ourselves one way or the other.
Jazz, do you *really* think these guys will say "We were wrong -- Bush was right" when tons of WMD are found in Iraq?

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

I for one will do that ! I have class !

Jazz you're right only time will tell


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger

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